PROBUS Club of Richmond Hill

Fellowship           Friendship         Fun

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What is PROBUS?

PROBUS is an association of retired or semi-retired persons who join together in autonomous clubs throughout the world. Though the emphasis in Canada today is on those of like mind or interests rather than on professional or business status for membership, the name, a combination of PRO(fessional) and BUS(iness), reflects an earlier rationale. We strive to ensure our members can truly say - Retired and Loving It! 
We welcome members who will
volunteer to help out.  
​Join us to meet new people, make new friends, discover new interests.

PODCAST : What is PROBUS about?

Listen to an interview with our president about PROBUS in general and our Richmond Hill Club in particular.

The PROBUS Club of Richmond Hill

The PROBUS Club of Richmond Hill was inaugurated in June 2019.

Membership is an annual fee of $50, and a $25 one-time initiation fee which covers the cost of name badges for meetings and functions.

As a PROBUS Club, we:

* Are non-political and non-sectarian
* Are non-profit and non-fundraising

* Are initially sponsored by another PROBUS Club
* Provide a distinctive PROBUS name badge for each member
* Keep membership fees low, covering just the costs of operating a club.

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